16 weeks old!


Look at that hand coordination! The concentration!


William has had a lot of quality time with Daddy this week.  Nana went to visit the family in New York,  so Dad was on full-time duty. We also had our first baby-sitter. Very exciting!


As you can see, William is enjoying his jumparoo a bit more. He will sit in it for longer stretches of time and is starting to play with the attachments.



Because Nana was out of town we had to get a little creative when it was just one parent and baby.  I ended up putting him in the car seat while I got ready for bed.


I suppose I could have just left him in the crib or on our bed. I’ve done that plenty of times.  But some days he’s needier than others.  And on those days, I prefer not to have a screaming baby. I mean, I think everything about my baby is cute and sweet,  especially when I can see his tonsils when he’s crying, but I think it’s best to keep that to a minimum.

In other news,  I had my first not guilty verdict on a jury trial. I was only 2nd chair but I think it was a team effort and I learned a few things along the way.

That’s it for now. We’re going to hunker down with some snow on the way and football to watch tomorrow! Go Seahawks!

Until next time,

Wendygirl and co.




15 weeks old!


William is getting much better with his hand coordination.  He can grab and hold onto toys. Here is a video of him playing with his toy.  He still loves the colors red and orange,  although a few nights ago,  I was preparing his diapers and he really locked on to a blue one I was working with. (yes, that means we are still using cloth diapers!)


William also is becoming more aware of his furry brother,  Cheeto.  He will watch him walk around.  It won’t be long before he’s chasing Cheeto around the house.

Lately,  Nana has been bouncing the baby boy. This has worked as a way to soothe the beast, but it is also a real work-out.  So Jacob wanted to get what we called “a jolly jumper.” Target had something similar to what I’m used to from my nieces and nephews,  but the problem is our apartment is laid out so there isn’t a good doorway to hang it in except the bedrooms.  So instead we got this jumparoo.


He’s still figuring out how to actually jump in it.  But for now,  it’s a good distraction with lights and sounds.  I think he looks like he’s planning his world domination in it.



Until then,

Wendygirl and co.





14 weeks old!

This has been a busy week for our little family.  Thursday,  my mom and Jacob came up to my office with the baby for my coworkers to meet him.  Afterwards,  we drove out to the suburbs to see Grandma Jeanne once more before she went home.


Friday night was my first girls’ night out since giving birth!  I had a great time meeting up with some girlfriends and enjoying some “me time.” Also, margaritas were had!

Saturday night,  Jacob’s band Maks the Fox played a show. Nana babysat for us and we had a date night. Thank you,  Barry for buying dinner for us!

Today,  Sunday,  I gave a lay-speaker talk at my temple about how Buddhism has impacted me since I’ve become a parent.  I gave my first lay-speaker talk last year,  also in January,  but found that I was so much more nervous this time.  It was a bit of a crazy morning for me. Jacob has a terrible cold and opted to stay home.  Mom came with me to temple and our friends Kori and Marlon also visited temple,  so I’m sure that contributed to my nervousness. I’ll edit my talk and post it here soon.

In baby development news,  William loves the colors red and orange. He pays a lot of attention to those colors and that may be why he loves that little monster toy. Also,  yesterday we discovered PBS on the Roku. Jacob played an episode of Dinosaur Train which is William’s “favorite show.” I had no idea how true that was until I watched him watch the tv. He smiled and talked to the TV during the episode.  Whoa.

In other news,  I’m moving to a new courtroom on Tuesday.  I’ll be assigned to the misdemeanor jury room.  I’m done with domestic cases for the most part.  I’ll follow a few cases but now I’ll be taking general misdemeanor cases where my clients have filed a jury demand. I’m excited and nervous. Juries are a challenge but I’m looking forward to getting the experience.

Until next time,

Wendygirl and co.


Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh, so clean







Please, no photos!

13 weeks/3 months!


Guess who can grab with his hands?  A few weeks ago William was not the least bit interested in those monkeys and we left them off his chair.  Now he’s learning to grasp and grab and is more entertained by  the monkeys.

William is still teething.  We are going through several bibs each day. He is still generally a laid back baby, but he has moments when he is clearly in pain.  Those are the hardest;  the moments I’ll have to learn how to deal with, to see William in pain, that I cannot take away.

In other news,  I am learning to play the ukulele.  I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was playing one for William.  Jacob’s band mate has one I’ve borrowed.  I bought an e-book to learn 21 songs in 6 days.  I know I don’t have the time to actually learn in 6 days. But surprisingly, I have been able to  find a few minutes every day to strum a few chords. I look forward to being able to sing some lullabies.

Until then,

Wendygirl and co.






12 weeks old!


William is 12 weeks old and getting pretty heavy.  I don’t know how much he weighs but I am really feeling my age. Night time brings sleep but I wake up with stiff wrists, achy shoulders and tingling in my fingers.  I started doing some light yoga to help get back into shape.

This week has been a little tougher on the little guy and,  in turn, on us.  William is definitely teething.  He is drooling a lot now, sucking on his gums and biting his fists.  He’s been grumpy more than normal at night to the point we’ve given him  baby Tylenol to ease his pain.

On New Year’s Eve baby and mommy made it to 10:30, and then we said good night to 2014. Daddy stayed up with Nana and a friend. We hope you had a fun and safe new year celebration.

Until next time,

Wendygirl and co.







